fruits that contain lots of water ( about 95% of the meat pieces) are also rich in vitamins and minerals, so abundant benefits for the body. In terms of water content is also able....
( orange) has many benefits. He made up of several elements, including: skin, flesh fruit, acidity and seed. Among the benefits of orange peel is that if put on the clothes....
Mayo Clinic research in the United States in 2001 proved that quacertin, a type of flavonoids contained in apples, may help prevent prostate cancer cell growth. Phytochemicals in....
Mangoes contain vitamin A, C and E, which is great for skin rejuvenation and prevent cancer. Because there is a carotenoid in mango called crytoxanthin, namely cancer buster good....
Salak fruits ( Salacca edulis) is one of the tropical fruits are much in demand by the Japanese, America, and Europe. The fruit has a high nutrient content and can be consumed as....
Benefits of bananas - Reducing Depression Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can be converted into serotonin, which leads to improved mood anemia Bananas are....
In terms of health, pears are a source of fiber and vitamin C is good. In addition, a pear also contains potassium, calcium, vitamin A, sugar, and protein. Fibers contained in a....
If you' re on a diet, the watermelon is your friend. The fruit is free of fat and sugar levels have a combination of limited and abundant moisture. Moreover, the fruit of this one....
Longan fruit flesh contains sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acid and chemical plant compounds ( phytochemicals) more useful for health. The....
The benefits of pineapple is very diverse, one of which is as a body cleanser. Digestion of proteins Accelerate the process of wound healing Functioning as a cleaner is also....
The grapes are not only a source of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate are good. But also other important sources of minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and....