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PT.WOEN Indo Breadcrumb

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PT.WOEN Indo Breadcrumb
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Harnanto Lukman [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: Harnanto_alung@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Harnanto Lukman at Bekasi Utara
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Harnanto Lukman at Bekasi Utara
Address:JL.H.Mochtar Tabrani no.9
Bekasi Utara, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jul. 27, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

" WOEN " Indo Breadcrumbs is a Manufacturing Company speciality in producing many kind of Breadcrumbs and Tempura to provide needs of food industry, food maker, restaurant, hotel, cafe, etc. We are using " WOEN " as a trademark.

Breadcrumb and Tempura is a crucial granulated material necessary to make all fried food become Crispy and Crunchy such as fried chicken, nugget, bento, katsu, fried shrimp/ squid/ banana, etc.

Mostly food makers using " WOEN " Breadcrumb because " WOEN " Breadcrumb has superiority which is made of real fresh admixture, from processed wheat flour like fresh bread, with additional ingredient such as calcium, protein, etc. Handled with special supervision of quality control and fulfil international standard. So it is not made from wasted product ( expired bread) that recycled to be breadcrumb like other trademarks usually do.

" WOEN " breadcrumb has a level best especially in quality and choiseness warranty, sanitation, Service 24hours, and very low price special for companies moving in food industry.

" WOEN " breadcrumb makes the taste and quality of the food become more tasty and delicious. The result of fried food has also a very tasty aroma and long lasting Crispy and Crunchy.
Size of grain ( diameter) = 2-5 mm.

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