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Mr. Syafei Ibu [Marketing]



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Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
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Energy - Power Network Analyzer Kit ( Analisa Kualitas Jaringan Kelistrikan) Alat Peraga Laboratorium Teknik Elektro
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POWER network analyzer is an instrument at a time analyzer for electrical power, electrical systems, and electrical network analysis.

Compared with many power quality test instrumentation currently available, the tool is classified as instrument-berstandarisasiIEC61000 40-30 Class-A. This tool is needed by many segments of both electric energy providers ranging from bagianpembangkit, transmission, switch-gear, power panels, up to the dealer and distribution of electric energy or electricity users such as industries that use significant power to be calculated either from the side power quality and efficiency obtained by its use.

In addition, this tool can also be synchronized with other parameters that affect the value of electricity ( such as temperature, humidity, etc.) , video cameras and thermal cameras. Thus, it can also be used for research and pengembanganTeknik Electric Power, Generation, and JaringanDistribusi SistemTransmisi and Diagnoses Quality Resources.

Ability & Purpose ;

1. Single instrument with an integrated system ( Standards IEC61000-40-30 Class A)
2. Current & Voltage Measurement ( wideband analysis) ; 1 ~ & 3 ~ phase at the same time, different frequency
3. Power Measurement; ( P, Q, S, D, PF, cosPhi, and others)
4. Frequency measurement; ( 16 2 / 3, 50, 60, 400.800 Hz, variable)
5. Power Quality Testing;
1. Rating Power, Power Quality ( EN50160)
2. Symmetrical Components
3. Fault Recording ( up to 1 MS / s)
6. Test Equipment ( Test Equipment) and IEC Test Emisifitas EMC testing 61 000-xx;
1. Harmonics ( 2-9 kHz) , IEC 61000-4-7
2. Interharmonics, full FFT IEC 61000-3-x
3. Flicker, IEC 61000-4-7
7. Reporting Tools ( PMT) ;
1. DISDIP / Unipede Statistics
2. CBEMA / ITIC Curve
8. Synchronization with other relevant parameters; Temperature, Humidity, Video Camera, Thermal Camera

Programmable Analyzer Analyzer Software Equipped with powerful software and programmable so that the measurement and analysis formulations could be developed with the display settings that can be preconfigured according to the needs of design and analysis and measurement. Thus the features and capabilities not monotonous gauge analysis.

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia

Cotact Person: Syafei ( 0815 614 1954 / 0811 893 101)
Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B

Phone. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449.

Fax : + 62-21-8611 207

EMAIL : sales@ alatperaga.com

Website : www.alatperaga.com

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