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    Peluang usaha Butuh investor untuk pengolahaan pertambangan batu granite

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    luas lahan batu granit kurang lebih 40 hektare
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    Specification :

    Need investors for joint funding granite quarry in Sumatra.

    - Area of 40 hectares of land pingir street location
    - For the Sumatran region.

    if you are interested please contact us.

    CV.Javazindo is engaged in the business of equipment suppliers and service cleaning service General Cleaning and install granite and marble contractor at this time we want mining exploration granite and marble in Sumatra some potesil and deposit locations are very good, for that we are seeking investors a serious interest to cooperate
    we are looking for investors who are interested in cooperation in the mining of granite and marble
    You are interested in going cooperation in granite and marble mining
    We provide a vast land, because we have given confidence to empower local communities to exploitation, exploration & distribution.Saat we are looking for investors / Bayer is willing invited to cooperate with the principle of win-win solution is expected to have very good quality stones after we check with The results of lap granite located in the southern Sumatran region.
    For those interested please
    1. Antoni. : 081284688833

    Company Contact
    Ms. Yati oktavia SE [Director/CEO/General Manager]
    JL: Makam Mahlawan Komp Taman Juanda Blok P2 no 10
    Bekasi 17111, Jawa Barat
    Valid Address
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Windows Live: javazindomarketing@hotmail.com javazindomarketing@hotmail.com
    Google Talk:  javazindo@gmail.com  javazindo@gmail.com
    Y!: alatcleaningservice@yahoo.com 

    Terima Service mesin-mesin- cleaning service - blower keong - vacuum cleaner - polisher machine - Vacuum Industri - sweeper -Small Maintainer - SCRUBER MECHINE -WIND BLOWER Raid on batre dll

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