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Bakoel Bata Expose
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Bakoel Bata Exposà © is a sales and distribution of various products Bata Bata exposure and Paste as well as many other types of derivatives in Jakarta and surrounding areas .

Even the exposure brick of Bakoel Bata product has penetrated into big cities in Indonesia from Bandung , Surabaya , Denpasar, Bali , Lombok , Lampung , Jambi , Semarang , Yogyakarta , Balikpapan , Samarinda penetrate even to foreign countries such as Malaysia and Korea .

With its own production of self-owned factory anyway, and controlled with a watchful eye, then surely the brick exposed product of Bakoel Bata exposure and quality is guaranteed .

Following the work of plant production Bakoel Bata Exposed:
1 . Exposed brick walls - Smooth Natural
2 . Exposed brick walls - Natural Terrakota
3 . Bricks Paste - Natural ( Cutting )
4 . Bricks Paste - Natural Terrakota
5 . Paste brick - Cepot
6 . Paste brick - Variatif
7 . Bricks Netherlands

It is suitable for interior and exterior with color NATURAL .

Product Brick Expose Wall and Brick Expose Our Paste , among others :

1 . Bricks Expose / Fine Natural :
- 20x10x5 Price @ 2000 ( H1 )
- 23x11x5 Price @ 2500 ( H2 )
- 24x12x5 , 5 HRGA @ 3000 ( H3 )

2 . Exposed brick / Terrakota Natural :
- 22x10x5 - Price @ 2800 ( GT1/ Oreo )
- 23x10x5 - Price @ 3000 ( GT2/ Prisma )
- 24x12x6 - Price @ 4500 ( GT3/ 3M )
- 25x12x6 , 5 - Price @ 5500 ( GT4/ Sumo )

3 . Paste brick Expose / Fine Natural :
- 22x5x2 - Prices @ 100, 000 / m2 ( WKD 1 )
- 24x5 , 5x2 - Price @ 115, 000 / m2 ( WKD 2 )
- 22.5 x5x2 - Price @ 125, 000 ( Cepot )

4 . Paste Exposed brick / Terrakota Natural :
- 21x5x1 , 5 - Prices @ 150, 000 / m2 ( 3M )
- 23x5 , 5x2 - Price @ 165, 000 / m2 ( Jacky - MTY )
- 24x5x1 , 8 - Price @ 160, 000 ( 3M )

5 . Paste Exposed brick / Variation :
- Scolor
- Gradation ( Terracota Ceramic )
- Homogeneous ( Bevel )
- Brick Cladding

For reservations and more information and details , contact : Bakoel BRICK : 087888768500
Tel : ( 021) 83831556
Fax : ( 021) 5719238

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