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CV ERELHAES REHJAYANA Supplier : Laboratory Equipment, Glassware, Electrical Test, Measuring Instrument, Civil Laboratory Testing Equipment, etc.
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HAZ-DUST - EPAM 5000, Environmental Particulate Air MonitorHaz-Dust Model EPAM-5000
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
OriginUnited States
Haz-Dust Environmental Particulate Air Monitor
Model EPAM-5000

The Environmental Particulate Air Monitor Model EPAM-5000 is an innovative light scattering nephelometer and filter gravimetric air sampler combined in one portable compact and light weight design.

The EPAM-5000 provides a complete real-time profile and graphical representation of airborne particulate levels and exposures with data read out in milligrams per cubic meter ( mg/ m³ ) . This dynamic capability is not possible with using only a gravimetric particulate sampler. The EPAM-5000 combines both the real-time and gravimetric technique, which allows the investigator more accuracy in defining and analyzing the nature and magnitude of potential health risk resulting from the inhalation of lung damaging particulates.

The EPAM-5000 complements both the EPA and OSHA reference methods. By offering an inexpensive and fast means to define problem areas and to " pinpoint" where more study is needed.
The EPAM-5000 requires no special skills or tools and can be easily setup in minutes for measuring Particulate Matter. All real-time data is immediately stored in the instrument' s computer memory and can be viewed on the LCD display or downloaded to a PC using the provided statistical software package.

Immediate display and data storage of lung damaging aerosols.
Unique aerodynamic particulate sizing real-time sensor and in-line 47mm filter cassette which allows concurrent gravimetric samplings.
High correlation to EPA PM-10 methods and TEOM* .
Easy to use data analysis software.
5.0 Lpm ( liters per minute) flow compensated sampling pump.
True 24 hour battery capacity or continuous A/ C power operation.
Audible alarm siren.
Optional Wireless Data Transmission to Central Computer

The EPAM-5000 reduces the cost of acquiring data for regulatory compliance program support and safety audit reporting. The benefit of real-time data collecting allows for immediate and permanent documentation and assists in reducing the number of manual filter gravimetric tests. This reduces labor costs and associated lab analysis and results in a cost saving for any air monitoring programs.

Survey sampling for lung damaging ambient PM-10 µ m and PM-2.5 µ m particulates
EPA Saturation Monitoring studies to define problem areas
Complements fixed monitoring sites with real-time graphical reports
Waste site fence line monitoring for qualifying off site particulate migrations
Evaluating pollution controls and equipment
Trend analysis data for particulate air quality
Emergency response and fugitive emissions
Wild fire and controlled burning studies
Urban transportation air quality studies
Particulate indoor air quality studies
Determining levels of respiratory production
A useful too in all environmental and occupational health and safety studies

Display: Large Alphanumeric LCD-4 line, 20 character display
Operation: Four key splash proof membrane switch - menu driven
Calibration: Gravimetric reference NIST traceable - SAE fine test dust
Accuracy: ± 10% to filter gravimetric SAE fine test dust
Sensing range: .001-20.0 mg/ m³ or .01 - 200.0 mg/ m³ ( optional)
Particulate size range: .01 - 100 µ m
Precision: ± .003 mg/ m³ ( 3 µ g/ m³ )
Sampling flow rate: 1.0 - 5.0 liters/ minute
Filter cassette: 47mm FRM style
Alarm output: 90db at 3 ft
Recording time: 1 second to 15 months
Sampling rate: 1 second, 10 seconds, 1 minute, and 30 minutes
Data storage: 21, 600 data points
Memory & time storage: > 5 years
Real-time clock & display: Hours, Minute, Second, Day, Month, Year
Data display: Concentration range in mg/ m³ & TWA, MAX, MIN, STEL, Date, Time
Digital output: RS-232
Operation temperature: -10° C to 50° C
Storage temperature: -20° C to 70° C
DustComm Pro Software: Windows driven for graphical and data translation
Power: Rechargeable and interchangeable battery
Operating time: > 24 hours on battery
Charging time: Approximately 22 hours
Humidity: 95% non-condensing
Dimensions ( case) : 14.0" x 6.0" x 10.0"
Weight: 12 lbs.
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