LUTRON LM 81AM Digital Anemometer
Display LCD display, 8 mm digit size
Measurement m/ s, ft/ min, km/ h, MPH, knots
Power Supply : DC 9V battery ( Heavy duty type)
Power Current : Approx. DC 6.2 mA
Weight 160g ( battery included)
Dimension HWD 156x60x33 mm ( 6.14x2.36x1.29 inch)
Measuremnt Range: 0.4 to 30.0 m/ s, 80 to 5910 ft/ min, 1.4 to 108.0 km/ h
0.9 to 67.0 mile/ h, 0.8 to 58.3 knots
Resolution : 0.1 m/ s, 1 ft/ min, 0.1 km/ h, 0.1 MPH, 0.1 knots
Accureacy: . f 20 m/ s : ± 3% F.S, > 20 m/ s : ± 4% F.S