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Mr. Yoga Yuwananto [Owner/Entrepreneur]



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JAKARTA PUSAT 10510, Jakarta

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Products Catalog

Disk Dr Waist Belt Korset Terapi Pinggang dan Tulang Belakang
PriceRP. 2.500.000
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Pack. & DeliveryDUS


Disk Dr. Waist Belt Corset Waist and Spine Therapy
- First time in the world that creates the distance ring system of the spine with a safe system of mechanical corset.
- Work between the bottom of the rib with hip bone ( S1, L5, L4, L3, L2, L1, T12, T11) .
- Created and developed by orthopedic surgeon of the most prominent of Inje University Seol Paek Hospital. Research and experiment obtained ( 328 patients / 85% of patients experienced improvement condition within 3 days, 91% of patients are very satisfactory)
- Stay to perform daily activities when using this mechanical corset.
- Can be washed, including laundry bag for washing machine use
- 100% cotton to prevent skin irritation.
- Easy to use and disposed of ( easy to use)
- an ergonomic design provides maximum comfort
- Strong and durable use Urethan material to the inside. Imitation products just use ordinary rubber.
- Air Pump is very easy to use - Excess air will come out automatically.
- Very economical and efficient than regular physical therapy.
- Variation waistline aiming for maximum results. Waist size: S = 27 Inches ( s / d 69 cm) , M = 28-31 inches ( 70-79 cm) , L = 32-34 inches ( 80-87 cm) , XL = 35-37 inches ( 88 - 95 cm) , 2XL = 38-40 inches ( 96-102 cm) , 3XL = 41-43 inches ( 103-110 cm) , 4XL = 44 - ( 111-117 cm) .
- 4 medical magnet mounted behind - 1600 gauss magnets relieve pain fast hip / low back pan / low back pain
- Use anti-fungal ingredients. Prevent germs and bacteria ( 99, 9% will die within 18 hours) .
- cotton material that can remove the Negative Ion & Infra Red
Product Overview
Disk Dr. Waist Belt Corset Waist and Spine Therapy
Disk Dr. Waist recommended for use on:
- Patients with herniated / bulging ( terjepitnya nerves by the spinal disc.)
- Diseases of the spine.
- Spondyloysis and spondylolisthesis ( damage to the joints of the spine and a shift to the front of the upper spine from the bottom) .
- Lower back pain due to obesity.
- Jobs that require heavy muscle work, such as lifting heavy objects and drive a vehicle in a long time.
- Pain in lower back requiring traction therapy.
- The reduction of the spinal disc.
- acute or chronic sprain of the pubic bone.
- loin pain due to overweight / obesity.
- Discus spinal degeneration / aging process.
- Spinal stenosis ( narrowing of the spinal nerve canal) .
- sciatica ( pain along the sciatic nerve which causes pain from the buttocks up to the calf) .
- congenital weakness in the waist area.

Disk Dr. Waist Belt is a medical device for the treatment of hip and spine that are designed to follow the structure of the human body. This tool has been approved by the Department of Health in Korea through a series of tests after a long, long time. It has been certified by the USA FDA and European CE Mark Certificate, Japan, Korea, China and Indonesia. For reservations Disk Dr. Waist Belt Corset Waist and Spine Therapy, call: YOGA 08128490761

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