Type 4501A... torque sensors operate on the strain gage prin-
ciple and supplies an analog output signal in mV/V. The sen-
sors are particularly suitable for screw driving assembly opera-
• Universal applications
• Strain gage full bridge system
• Shunt calibration
• Measurement of torque in either direction of rotation
• Short term speed peaks to 3 000 1/min
• Robust and reliable design
• Small and handy
• Long service life Version Q/QA
• Resistant to high acceleration
• Optional rotational angle measurement
These sensors use strain gage technology. Power is supplied
and the measurement signal transferred between the rotating
shaft and the case via high-grade, durable slip rings. These
torque sensors are predominantly employed as in-line torque
sensors. They are robust and easy to use.
Together with a broad range of measuring and evaluation sys-
Version H/HA
tems they are ideal instruments for precise and low-priced
measurement of torque and torque angles.
The Type 4501A... torque sensors were designed specifically
for use in screw driving assembly applications. The versions
with square or hexagonal shaft mount directly on the drives
of the tools.
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