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Dompet Holoo
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FlashDisk Unik Berlogo
Kipas Undangan & ....
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Tempat Tissue
Aneka Jenis Ballpoint
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USB Kartu Nama PT.....
simple business card usb promotion gift SO-04-007
The so-04-007 is big as a business card, you can put it in your purse only 3mm thickness, and you can print your company or....
Flashdisk Member PT.....
simple business card usb promotion gift SO-04-002
The so-04-002 is big as a business card, you can put it in your purse only 3mm thickness, and you can print your company or....
Produksi Berbagai....
Minimum Order : 300pcs
Telepon :
0813 8595 4508/ 021 329 26 952/ 0821 1010 9437 / 0815 344 867 45
Fax :
Email :
Flash Disk Bentuk....
Minimal Order : 100pcs
kapasitas : 2Gb-16Gb
Toy car made of plastic as a USB flash drive:
This USB stick is the spaà Ÿ bringendste connection between toys and media.
Flashdisk Pesawat....
Minimum Order: 100pcs
capacity: 2Gb-16Gb
The following are examples usb model airplane orders from Indonesian PT.Pos with EMS logo with a capacity of 2GB with the logo 2....
USB Srikandi Award....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Capasities : 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb end 16Gb
Production Time : 25day
Material : Rubber
Kipas Undangan Photo....
Minimum Order : 500pcs
Material : Bamboo and satin
size bambo : 21cm
production time : 25day
Tempat Cincin Mote....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Ceramic ring remote places with various forms now we sell it cheap
interested contact: 0813 8595 4508
Tempat Perhiasan....
Minimum Order: 100pcs
place kramik jewelry from materials with various shapes: Oval, Round, Box now we sell with cheap price
Tas Promosi Dompet....
Product Description
Noble, elegant and luxurious pursuit of life taste
Product name: Non-woven shopping bags
Model: Dg-s274
Material: Using reusable, 75
non-woven or nylon....
Ballpoint Cabe....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Ballpoint variegated with zippers that can be worn around the neck and can also print the name or logo of one color. now we sell it cheap.
Handuk Lolipop Bulat
towel with multicolored lollipops model is perfect for wedding gift for a thank you. Our service delivery to all regions of Indonesia.
Dompet Holo China....
China Wallet holo mica packing box, we sell cheap
Interested contact: 021 32 926 952, 0813 8595 4508
Dompet Holo Korea....
Holo wallet packed Korean mica box we sell cheap now
interested contact: 021 329 26 952
, 0813 8595 4508
Gelas Undangan Kotak....
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Invite a beautiful glass with mica packing box and ribbon hanger ropes, now....
Ballpoint Per....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Telepon :
0813 8595 4508/ 021 329 26 952/ 0821 1010 9437 / 0815 344 867 45
Fax :
Email :
Gelas Dove Ramping
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari : 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Price IDR 4.500/ pcs
Minimum order: 200 pcs
Production time: 10-15 days
Buka Botol Melamin ( ....
Open a bottle of melamine with different material models ( mixed) now we are selling cheap.
Tempat Tisu Satin
Place paper towels made of satin with multicolored now we sell very cheap price
Minimum Order: 100pcs
Interested contact us:
Simpati: 0813 8595 4508
Mentari: 0815 344 867....
Tempat Tissue Kain....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
We Accept order various types of souvenirs from the material can design on demand, promotional bags, place yasin, where tissue, shoppin bag etc..
Dompet Behel Kupu....
Minimum Order: 100pcs
Wallet stirrup flattened butterfly motif with two colors silver and gold tiles that can be packed and boxes mica now we sell it cheap.
Sabun Tile
Minimum Order: 100pcs
hotel soap with packing tile made more unique to the make souvenirs now we sell it cheap.
Bingkai Kayu Putih
The frame is made of white wood model love now we sell cheap and are perfect in make gifts or souvenirs.
Kaca Batik Oval....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Sun: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Tempat Perhiasan....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Sun: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Towel Model Kelinci
Minimum Order: 100pcs
Towel handkerchief multicolored rabbit model of packing boxes with mica is very unique and suitable for souvenirs now we sell with cheap price
Gantungan Kunci Kain....
Keychain made of cloth in the design of love with our colorful now selling cheap
Minimum Order: 100pcs
Gantungan Kunci....
Model Banana Keychain we sell cheap now interested contact: 021 329 26 952, 0813 8595 4508
Dompet Holo Kupu....
Minimum Order : 100 pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari : 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Butterfly Butterfly wallet is available two....
Gantungan Kunci....
Key Chain of wood materials in print lafazt calligraphic models in plastic packing belt gold wire now we sell it cheap.
minimum Order: 100pcs
Ballpoint Bola Tali
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Simpati; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Dompet Holo Emas....
Minimum Order : 200pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Sun: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Dompet Holo China
Interested Can Contact Us
Sun: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
This china Holoo wallet with colorful designs now we sell it cheap.
Packing: ....
Dompet Holo Korea....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Kipas Undangan Kain....
Here is an example of fan invitation orders from Makassar. for color selection banyka we provide so you just select what color would want.
How to order:
1. Send to email....
Undangan Tas Model....
Minimum Order: 300pcs
size : 30x40cm
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Buka Botol Air
Open the bottle is different motives and the price includes the holster tile, now we sell it cheap.
+ Print name: USD 200/ pcs
Interested contact:
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Tempat Tissu Tikar
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Place made of tissue mat with 3310 hp size very interesting so impressed....
Gantungan Kunci....
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Drum Keychain is made of leather so unique and suitable for the wedding....
Gelas Dove CG Box....
Minimum Order : 250pcs
Berminat Bisa Kontak Kami
Mentari : 0815 344 867 45
Simpati ; 0813 8595 4508
flexi : 021 329 26 952
Dompet Behel China....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Wallet stirrup suitable for souvenir wedding, birthday, promotion, now we sell it cheap, interested contact: 021 329 26 952.0813 8595 4508
Gunting Kuku Kartun....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Gunting Kuku Gendut....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Gunting Kuku Kumbang....
Minimum Order : 100pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Gunting Kuku Kartun
Cartoon nail clippers current model we sell below market price, interested contact: 0813 8595 4508.021 329 26 952
Tas Souvenir Bidan
Minimum Order : 200pcs
Interested Can Contact Us
Mentari: 0815 344 867 45
Sympathy; 0813 8595 4508
flexi: 021 329 26 952
Size: 16cm x 125cm x11cm
Gunting Kuku Sepatu
Nail clippers form with colorful shoes now we sell it cheap
minimum order: 100pcs
+ Printed Name: IDR 200/ pcs
Kalender Abadi
Calendar which can be used all the time, we made a very very unique fit made souvenirs, now we sell it cheap.
minimum order: 100pcs
Interested Contact:
simpati: 0813 8595....
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