Search rivers in Trade List - China - Show All Valid - RSS - Indonesia - DKI. Jakarta - Jakarta | Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenWed, 19 Mar 2025 14:06:50 +0700Indotrade.coSell: FLOWATCH FLOW METER FL-03 READY STOCK ! ! ! [JAKARTA, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="FLOWATCH FLOW METER FL-03 READY STOCK ! ! !" id=""></a>FLOWATCH FLOW METER Model : FL-03 with cable 15 m - Made in Switzerland. Application : - Measure <B>rivers</B> flows. - Irrigation canals. - Ocean flows. - Air conditioning conduits - Sewage flows..../OctaPrimaLestari/1292111/flowatch-flow-meter-fl-03-ready-stock.htmPT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI20090404145338Sell: TSS740 PORTABLE TSS METER PARTECH READY STOCK [JAKARTA, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="TSS740 PORTABLE TSS METER PARTECH READY STOCK" id=""></a>TSS 740 PORTABLE SUSPENDED SOLID MONITORING Made .... effluent outfalls, treatment plant inlets, streams and <B>rivers</B> and as a secondary standard to check other on-line and portable instruments. ..../OPRIMA/4187937/tss740-portable-tss-meter-partech-ready-stock.htmOPRIMA LABORATORY / PT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI20130425121814Sell: TSS METER PARTECH MODEL TSS 740 READY STOCK [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]PORTABLE SUSPENDED SOLID MONITORING MODEL TSS 740 .... effluent outfalls, treatment plant inlets, streams and <B>rivers</B> and as a secondary standard to check other on-line and portable instruments. ..../Octa-Prima-Lestari/5456221/tss-meter-partech-model-tss-740-ready-stock.htmOCTA PRIMA LESTARI20150116130136Products Catalog: Jual Automatic Thermo Unit Calibrator Model 3724, Hub: Junatal -081362449440, Email: junatal_ gsi@ .... [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Jual Automatic Thermo Unit Calibrator Model 3724, Hub: Junatal -081362449440, Email: junatal_ gsi@ ...." id=""></a>/BINTANG_INSTRUMENT/2715195/jual-automatic-thermo-unit-calibrator-model-3724-hub.htmBINTANG INSTRUMENT20110702030148Products Catalog: HCP Large Volume Pump L250A [Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia]Features 1. Large flow capacities achieved with .... drainage for industrial. 3. Water extracting from <B>rivers</B>, lakes and reservoirs. 4. Flood control or used for large volume dewatering. 5...../Sentra-Teknik-Toko/6029090/hcp-large-volume-pump-l250a.htmSENTRA TEKNIK UTAMA, NEW LONG Sole Agent and Distributor20151202023757Sell: Marine Lantern type SLC420 Compact 4-5nm+ Solar. Hub. 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : .... [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Marine Lantern type SLC420 Compact 4-5nm+ Solar. Hub. 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : ...." id=""></a>/PdSafetyCenter/3150629/marine-lantern-type-slc420-compact-4-5nm-solar-hub-0857.htmJakarta Safety Center20120118094533Products Catalog: Rosemount 3100 Series Level and Flow Transmitters ( 3107 3108) [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]The Rosemount 3100 Series Ultrasonic Level .... for exposed site applications such as reservoirs, <B>rivers</B>, remote works, and waste water and effluent treatment plants. Transmitters are factory sealed ..../testindo/5995311/rosemount-3100-series-level-and-flow-transmitters-3107-3108.htmTestindo ( Testing, Measuring, Recording, Data Wireless Specialist)20151110034010Products Catalog: HORIBA Water Quality Monitoring System, Cat. No. W-23XD [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]The sensor' s built-in memory function enables .... meters below the water surface. Thus, in addition to <B>rivers</B>, lakes and other shallow bodies, high-precision measurement can now be readily obtained..../MAYKYLOVIC/5961682/horiba-water-quality-monitoring-system-cat-no-w-23xd.htmPT. MAYKY LOVIC TANGGUH PERKASA20151020081607Sell: HACH COD, TNT+ , LR ( 3-150 MG/ L) , PK/ 25 [Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia]Hach dichromate COD Method is the most widely .... pollutants found in surface water ( e.g. lakes and <B>rivers</B>) or wastewater, making COD a useful measure of water quality. It is expressed in..../andalbangunsejahtera/5876162/hach-cod-tnt-lr-3-150-mg-l-pk-25.htmPT. ANDALAN BANGUN SEJAHTERA20150825075122Sell: SEBA F1 100 M UNIVERSAL WATER CURRENT METER [Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="SEBA F1 100 M UNIVERSAL WATER CURRENT METER" id=""></a>The SEBA - Universal Current Meter F1 serves for determination of current velocities in water courses, canals, <B>rivers</B> and the sea, for use with rods or as cable-suspended meter equipment from 0, 025..../majumapanmandiri/3700479/seba-f1-100-m-universal-water-current-meter.htmMaju Mapan Mandiri20120913054652Sell: FP 111 Current Meter - it081808388910@ [Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="FP 111 Current Meter - it081808388910@" id=""></a>FP 111 Digital Water Velocity Meter Global Water .... and Swedish Ideal for measuring flows in streams, <B>rivers</B>, canals, stormwater, wastewater, inflow and infiltration studies, and industrial..../innovator-teknika/3720947/fp-111-current-meter-it081808388910-yahoo-co-id.htmINNOVATOR TEKNIKA - MATERIAL HANDLING - LAB EQUIPMENT - SAFETY EQUIPMENT20120921120341Sell: FILTER [Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia]BASKET FILER ( MINI) MINI BASKET is a manual .... protective filters for pumps that use water wells, <B>rivers</B>, canals average full of large suspended solids. Application sector Industry - ..../Biomicrobe/5630458/filter.htmPT. Biomicrobe Teknologi Indonesia20150330110334Sell: STEARNS I223 TYPE V FLOTATION WORK VEST, stearn, Stearns I223 Force II, work vest.... [Jl. Angkasa Kav. B-6 Kemayoran - Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia]STEARNS I223 TYPE V FLOTATION WORK VEST .... throughout the industrial and railroad market near <B>rivers</B>, creeks, ponds and waste water pits. Aquafoam� � � flotation foam retains buoyancy even when..../supplierindonesia/5807626/stearns-i223-type-v-flotation-work-vest-stearn-stearns-i223.htm081213112111 Mesin Alat Pertanian, Perkebunan, Peternakan, Pra dan Pasca Panen, Industri Makanan, ....20150702172804Sell: IDRS CARD PROGRAM [Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="IDRS CARD PROGRAM" id=""></a>IDRS CARD PROGRAM for monitoring situation real time and recording in PC. also able using for industrial with computerisation system full and semi automation to controlling all equipments on monitor...../globalsa/1523359/idrs-card-program.htmPT. GLOBAL SAHAT ARTA20090829091504Products Catalog: FP 111 CURRENT METER [Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="FP 111 CURRENT METER" id=""></a>FEATURES: * Easy flow monitoring * Digital .... Swedish * Ideal for measuring flows in streams, <B>rivers</B>, canals, stormwater, wastewater, inflow and infiltration studies, and industrial process..../MultronTopIndonesia/281123/fp-111-current-meter.htmAlat Laboratorium multrotop@, Jual Alat Laboratorium , Jual Alat....20060429082639Products Catalog: HI 9829 Multiparameter [Jakarta utara, Jakarta, Indonesia]Products By Category Checker HC Chemical Test .... the ideal meters for field measurements of lakes, <B>rivers</B> and seas. Both meters display 1 to 12 parameters simultaneously from up to 15 user..../Hannaistruments/5680007/hi-9829-multiparameter.htmHANNA INSTRUMENT INDOTAMA( Hanna Indonesia Agen merk Hanna)20150421054355Products Catalog: Conductivity Meter LAQUAtwin Determine water conductivity Cat. No. B-771 [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]Features Determine water conductivity with as .... Applications include: Fresh water testing ( rain, <B>rivers</B>, lakes, hot springs) ; aquaria; soil testing for improved agriculture and analysis of..../MLTP/5637886/conductivity-meter-laquatwin-determine-water-conductivity.htmMLTP20150402053627Products Catalog: Aspen Water 5500M Fresh Water Purifier [Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia]The ASPEN 5500M water purification system will supply 15, 000 to 20, 000 Liters per day of highly purified water from virtually any non-saline water source. Water can be drawn from ditches, <B>rivers</B>, ..../PacificAmanGarda/3319131/aspen-water-5500m-fresh-water-purifier.htmPT.Pacific Aman Garda20120330090447Sell: TB-31 Portable Turbidity Meter TOA [Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]TB-31 Portable Turbidity Meter TOA The TB-31 Portable turbidity meter is a field operated instrument for measuring turbidity and temperature in a wide range of water environments such as <B>rivers</B>, ..../Erelhaesrehjayana/5306961/tb-31-portable-turbidity-meter-toa.htmCV ERELHAES REHJAYANA20141017032225Products Catalog: JUAL Aquafast, Aquafast Water Pump [JAKARTA BARAT, Jakarta, Indonesia]Fire protection using water from water sources such as swimming pools, <B>rivers</B>, lakes, reservoirs, bailing out, fast tanker refills. CHARACTERISTICS * No aspiration tube or priming device..../mitrabonateknik/5160912/jual-aquafast-aquafast-water-pump.htmMITRA BONA TEKNIK , ALAT TEKNIK SIPIL Telp 021-62310892, 081285915825 , 082298064222, 081383297590....20140818073351