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Saka Trans - legally known as PT. SAKA PRATAMA has been established in 1974 as Transportation Support. In 1979 Saka Trans extended its services to international sea and air freight forwarding. To....
Good Quality + Good Price + Good Service is our .... Liat, Jambi, Bengkulu) , Java, Jakarta, Kalimantan, Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi. They are manufactures, wholesaler, retailer, chain stores, hotel....
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IKONS Furniture is reputable in supplying good quality chair, bar stool, table, sofa, coffee table and lamp especially for restaurant, bar, cafe, and hotels in Jakarta Indonesia and Singapore. A....
CPF Mover We are in the field of relocation .... the truck box built up a special wing for: Java and Bali. CPF Mover Jl.Pendidikan Raya 29C Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur....
ABOUT US Company Summary Indofastcargo is an online marketing unit that is managed by PT INDO EXPRESS LOGISTICS . Established since 2002 we have been a leader in logistics and freight forwarding....
Mitra Distribusindo merupakan perusahaan bergerak .... kualitas sumber daya manusia ( SDM) dalam era globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas ( free trade) , menyerap tenaga kerja, sekaligus meningkatkan....
INTERNATIONAL SEA & AIR FREIGHT FORWADER Ocean .... Padang, Medan, Samarinda, Long, Banjarmesin, Batam, Balikpapan, Banjarmesin, Denpasar, Jambi, Ketapang, Kota Baru, Makassar, Manado, Palu, Ambon....
PT. Powerlift Era Baru is the Exclusive Sole .... other important islands such as Sumatera, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and anywhere in Indonesia where there is such a demand. PT. Powerlift....
Kepada Yth, Import Dept/ Purchasing Dengan Hormat, Dengan ini perkenankanlah kami menawarkan Jasa Pengurusan Pengeluaran Barang Import diarea Bea dan Cukai Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan Pelabuhan....
PT. ADINDA JAYA MANDIRI is general trading company, Supplier & Distributor of agro industrial, agro economical products origin from Indonesia, specially from East Indonesian. We have been....
cv.pas taruna logistics sebuah perussahaan swasta .... jakarta-aceh, umum nya seluruh pulau sumatera, jawa, bali, lombok, flores, kupang, kalimantan, seluruh pelosok nusantara, dengan memiliki ijin....
Indonesia Coffee Company. Producing Specialty .... for cafe: Sumatra ( Aceh) Gayo, Mandailing, Toraja, Bali kintamani, Golden java, flores, papua, Rakata Robusta, Maharaja Espresso E, espresso I, ....
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