We are living to resolve your logistic problem, we are ready to handle your any problem special for custom clearance, transportation / trucking, security and safety, parking, cleaning and so on. We....
Kami bergerak disegala bidang, terutama bidang perdagangan dan jasa.Kami menerima masukan baik sebagai distributor maupun agen tunggal.
Our specialized in Automatic Door System, Access Control, High Speed Shutter Door, Architectural Door Hardware and Parking System
Parking Services Provider & Access Controls
An Indonesian Intermediary Company providing military & law enforcement equipment, Representative to Corporation/ Enterprise/ Individual, bridging communication & connection between clients, etc.
Jasa Pengamanan ( Security) , Manajemen Parkir Profesional, House Keeping/ Cleaning Service/ Jasa Kebersihan Interior/ Exterior, Percetakan/ Advertising/ Reklame, Maintenance ( ME, Landscaping, Pest....
digital printing digital printing digital printing digital printing
an establishment focusing on providing the most logical solution in security related matters.
Founded in 2002, Caltesys is accredited by Komite Akreditasi Nasional ( KAN) - a member of ILAC ( International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) - to the requirements of ISO/ IEC 17025 ( LK-053....
we are a service company labor suppliers, who are trained in their respective fields,
we provide support for financing ( bridging) with the lowest interest and at reasonable amount
Pembiayaan untuk peremajaan unit dump truck dengan bunga ringan 0.8% / bulan. perusahaan kami siap menerima jaminan BPKB unit 2005 up demikian surat penawaran ini kami buat. hub: 085717418290/ ....
Indonesia Servicetama is a company which gives services in general and life insurance product that coorporate with some general insurance company and life insurance company. Our product' s divide in....
We are a consulting and general trading company. Our Combined experience in Government Relations, Tourism, Telecommunications and Food Industry with wide networks in other areas such as Professional....