we are a fast growing national company which produce machine for misting system, now we open a great opportunity for every company or people to become our main dealer for our misting system around....
We are a national company which producing Misting System, that could be aplliied for : 1. Cooling : for Outdoor Cooling, Residential Cooling, Commercial Cooling, Animal Cooling, Greenhouse Cooling, ....
Iron Ore Fe 67 Size : 0 - 10 mm Size : 0 - 20 mm Price : USD$ 49/ Mt Location : Plaihari Loading Port : Trisakti, Kalimantan Selatan. Iron Ore Fe 67 Lam : 0 - 300 mm Price : USD$ 45/ Mt Location : ....
PT. Riau Andalan Sarana represent company moving in the field of mining, especially the coal, Iron Ore, contractor, planting, crude palm oil ( CPO) .
our company is a national water treatment and we provide service, solution and product that ensure goals in achieving the standard quality to consumers needs
We are production & Rent Advertising & Promotion Equipment, like : * Printing * Food & Baverage * Reflexiologi * Sound System * Live Music * Even Organized * etc
we are production & rent : Advertising & Promotion Equipment, like : * Printing ( Flyer, Invitation, Billboard, Banner, Accecories, etc) * Live Music ( reage, jazz, top 40, latin etc ) * Sound....
One Set of China console. Made from whole ( one single piece) teak wood. Natural and wild finishing. Superb quality and adjoining piece is attached without nails. Teak wood is over 100 years old.
Our company is committed to give the best quality for the best value. Our products are made and processed with teak woods over 100 years old. All our teak woods are legal. Modern and primitive design....
CNC high speed wire-cut EDM big taper ( 90� � ) wirecut machine, large thickness 1m, long travel 1, 2mx2m, high efficiency 120m2, 2 kva, recycle use wire, first cut + 2 times flashing. We sell and ....
Infovet Magazine has been focused on the aims to provide information and analysis to those whose major interest is in livestock and animal health industry. To make the information more valuable, each....
We recruit and send Indonesian Seaman to Korean Fishing Vessel, Refeer Cargo, General Cargo, Bulk, Tanker.We also trade in scrap, land, IT ( information technology) , buy and sell Indonesian product.
Seaman Recruitment Company, General Trading, Export-Import
The main produks are chips made off vegetables and fruits
This Company rules on Small Business ( SME) and Still Manage By Individual, and Now start To trade in Family production feed.
For giant size billboard, we have points of locations in Jakarta and its linking cities. The size ranging from 5x10m, 6x12m, 8x16m, 10x20m, etc. These locations are rent for 1-2 years. The price of....
Advertasing Outdoor Promotion.We Server your company for outdoor promotion of your product.Contact us in 021-34567 20.We waitting your call....
Service of Analysys and measurement of elements in liquid and solid samples quantitatively and qualitatitvely
Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology, National Nuclear Energy Association
We like to collaboration in land of coal in Sanga-Sanga Kalimantan. We look for investor
We are the owner of 500 Ha iron ore mining in Sukabumi, West Java. Our deposit is 50 milllion MT, with pruduction per month 60, 000 - 100, 000 MT. Fe content is 63% up.
We are a fast growing company, established since 1998. Working in mining business, especially iron ore. We are also open for investor who like to invest in our mining concession, also some other....
We renting many light car that can be costumized by user with long term or short term period. Our competitive price and great after sales maintenance hopely can take care our client loyalty.
We are fast growing company, work in insurance service, for now we want to give good opportunity to all of you that have opitimistic feeling and want to lift up your career to be a better man. Now....
Telecommunication Technology, resort all over the world, gold, vehicles, any many more.
Our partner is one of multinational company who cooperates with FAO, and other large organisation in the world.We response 21 century ( seeking a job & build a business are too difficult) . We are....