PT-9700PC is one of the toughest electronic Labeler Brother. With the PT-9700PC, you can create a column labels from your desktop so that you can go and labeling user machines indefinitely. Labeler....
Our company sells equipment barcoding system, hard ware, software and receive service tool that we sell.
ERGOS Yellow Rubber boots fitted protective steel toe made in Taiwan, waterproof, strong, safe products see the brochure, order items, contact Tel.021-290-70-290 Fax.021-290-70-430 HP.0812-8200 -8181....
TUGU PRAMATA Address MGK Kemayoran Block D1 No.1 GF Floor Kemayoran Jakarta 10610 Indonesia is Disbutor tools and safety needs of industry experienced since Thn.1995 serve wholesale and retail sales....
LC 116 EP Lithium Complex Grease Lithium Complex E.P grease fortigied with special polymer additive to withstand high temperature. Manufactured using high VI paraffin base oil.
BOELUBEÂ ® - A Boeing developed lubricant Produced under license from Boeing Management Company. BOELUBEÂ ® is among the trademarks owned by BOEING. These products represent a family of proprietary....
Descriptions: : The Sola Clinometer ( ARISTO) is made in Austria with their typical engineering perfection. The SOLA is magnetically attached to a drill rig or any machine where the operator has to....
Series gate valve is the main flow control equipment for powder, grain materials, and small particles. The wear parts of this gate valve is used of wear-resistant materials, meanwhile fully....
At Industry Needed, we are focused on providing Industry Sparepart services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction â € “ we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a....
PRICE H-Beam : - SIZE 150-300 IDR. 8.750 / Kg - SIZE 350-600 IDR. 8.950 / Kg
Jelly Powder for food and beverage industry use, in 25kg sacks. please call us for further information!
We provide and supply various ingredients for foods, snacks and beverages industry, we can provide you with eseences, flavourings, emulsions, preservatives, sweeteners and other food additives to....
We sell the best quality and cheap paper shredder GBC Duo. Other GBC products we sell : GBC Alpha Ribbon GBC Alpha Confetti GBC Style Black GBC Duo GBC Silencio V 30 WS GBC RSX 1630 GBC 21....
Trikom Kharisma is an ITC Company that sells not only IT products but also office equipments such as paper shredder, lamination machine and binding machine. One of the office equipment popular....
We are GRC panel and kerawangan company With good employee and many experience, we are ready to help you for GRC panel and kerawangan work
We have experience of producing good ambulance to hospitals, clinics, mining companies, plantation companies, state-owned enterprises, both for public and private
We sell Suliki stone in green, blue and black colors. we sell it as rough stone and cobochon
We carve andara crystal or obsidian stone from java indonesia, This is a real andara crystal / obsidian stone, we carve it to form natural form, pendant and another form that posible such as fruit, ....
Our Company Engaged in the body of Ambulane, We are ready to help manufacture Body Ambulance Unit for Sharing kind car. We have experience of producing good ambulance to hospitals, clinics, mining....
The Schuck Type SHD Insulating Joints are used to interrupt the electric conductivity of pipelines or rather a system of cathodic corrosion protection. An integrated lightning protection conducts....