Mechanical Sand Equivalent Shaker Recommended for use in laboratories performing a large number of tests, motorised shakers provide a consistent and repeatable oscillation, minimising variation....
PT. PANAIRSAN PRATAMA was established in year 2000, incorporated in Jakarta, Indonesia as the main business location. The company has been involved in varieties of major business dealings in....
Sand Equivalent Value 1 set ASTM D2419; AASHTO T176 Set Includes 4 Plastic measuring cylinders 1 Carrying case 1 Weighted foot assembly 1 Irrigator tube 1 Rubber tubing complete with....
Hydrometer Sedimentation Cylinder 1 set ASTM D422; AASHTO T88 EL24-4700 Hydrometer Sedimentation Cylinder. 1000 ml capacity 1 set complete with rubber bung. EL24-4800 ....
Soil Hydrometers 1 set BS 1377, EN 1997-2; ASTM D422, E100; AASHTO T88 EL24-4620 Soil Hydrometer BS/ EN DD ENV graduated 0.0995 to 1.030 g/ ml. 1 pc EL24-4640 Soil Hydrometer....
Mechanical Analysis Stirrer 1 set ASTM D422; AASHTO T88 This compact, bench-top stirrer is used for dispersing soil samples in water for hydrometer analysis. The stirrer is supplied....
Particle Size Distribution and Sand Equivalent Value EL24-4865/ 01 Constant Temperature Bath 1 set for 220-240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz, 1 ph. and other fine grained material, the bath is....
Particle Density: Pyknometer Methods 1 set BS 1377, 812-2, EN 1097-7, EN 1997-2; ASTM D 854; AASHTO T 100 These methods are generally suitable for fine-grained soils. The larger....
Determination of Density, Particle Density and Specific Gravity Gas Jar Method 1 set BS 1377, EN 1997-2 This method is suitable for soils containing up to 10% of particles retained on a 37....
Linear Shrinkage 1 set BS 1377 This test covers the determination of linear shrinkage of soils and indicates the plastic properties of soils with a low clay content. EL24-1800 ....
Determination of Shrinkage Characteristics Volumetric Shrinkage 1 set BS 1377; ASTM D427; AASHTO T92 This method of test covers the determination of the shrinkage limit, shrinkage ratio, ....
Determination of Plastic Limit 1 set BS 1377, 1924-2, EN 1997-2; ASTM D4318; AASHTO T90 The plastic limit is defined as the lowest moisture content of a soil that will permit a sample to be....
Semi-Automatic Cone Penetrometer EL24-0545/ 01 Semi-Automatic Cone Penetrometer. Specification same 1 set as EL24-0540 but incorporates Digital Automatic controller, which releases the....
Cone Penetrometer Method 1 set BS 1377, 1924-2, EN 1997-2 Reduces operator error Applicable to a wide range of soils Gives reproducible test results Provides direct measurement of....
Determination of Liquid Limit 1 set The condition of a soil can be altered by changing the moisture content. The liquid limit is the empirically established moisture content at which a soil....
Rapid Method by Speedy Moisture Tester 1 set BS 812; ASTM D4944; AASHTO T217 Reliable and accurate moisture measurement in the field Direct reading in percent moisture Rapid results in....