LABORATORY HIGH SPEED CENTRIFUGE HERMLE The Z 36 HK is the culmination of many years of centrifuge design experience combined with the latest technology Featuring speeds up to 30000 rpm ( 65390....
Our Company is establish since 1992 in laboratory Equipments bussiness and agent from alot principals such us USA , Germany , Netherland , Spain , Korea , India , Japan , UK , Taiwan , China etc. ....
CENTRIFUGE LARGE VOLUME HERMLE Model Z 513 The Z 513 is a universal, high capacity bench top centrifuge. A continuous air flow through the centrifuge housing prevents sample heating and restricts....
MICRO CENTRIFUGE Z130 M Made in Hermle - Germany Z 130 M eliminates the need to change the rotors, when switching between microtubes and PCR strips The included, unique COMBI-Rotor is all that....
CENTRIFUGE MODEL Z206A Made in HERMLE - Germany. Model 306.00V01 Small Centrifuge main unit Z206A 230 V 220.96.V01 Angle Rotor for 12 x 15 ml 220.97.V01 Angle Rotor for 6 x 50 ml Complete....
PARTICLE COUNTER MODEL GT- 321 Single Channel Made in MET ONE - USA GT-321 is a portable Particle Counter Hand Held that counts particles down to 0.3 microns , giving you portability and....
COLONY COUNTER - SC6PLUS MADE IN STUART - UK Pressure sensitive counting Average count facility Bright white energy saving LED lighting With BioCote antimicrobial protection Audible count....
FLAME PHOTOMETER JENWAY Model : PFP7 Made in United Kingdom Industrial Flame Photometer Designed for industrial analysis Supplied with Na, K, Li, Ba and Ca filters Low temperature, single....
STIRRING HOTPLATE , 5 and 9 STIRRING POSITION. Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Model HS 15 and HS 19 READY STOCK ! ! ! ! Ceramic Top Plated Stir or heat and stir on a rugged, quick....
STIRRING HOTPLATE CERAMIC TOP PLATE MODEL HS 40 Digital Programmable Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Features: : 10-program memory stored in CMOS. No batteries. Each program can be 10....
HS 11 STIRRING HOTPLATE , CERAMIC TOP PLATED 300 X 300 mm Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Features: Heat to 450Â ° C on plate surface in minutes Stir from 100 to 1500 rpm on each....
LABORATORY HOT PLATE & STIRRING HOTPLATE Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA. Model : HP 10-2 & HS10-2 Ceramic Top Plated Dimensions : 200 x 200 mm Stir or heat and stir on a rugged, quick....
ELECTRONIC ICE CUBE MODEL IC 10 , TORREY PINES SCIENTIFIC Made in USA. Model IC10 Features: Energy Efficient Peltier Design Sub-zero Plate Temperatures Small, Compact Size Field Operation....
ORBITAL MIXING CHILLING / HEATING DRY BATH MODEL SC 20 , TORREY PINES SCIENTIFIC EchoTherm Model SC20 Orbital Mixing Chilling / Heating Dry Bath - The Ideal Molecular Biology Tool For Your Lab ....
BROOKFIELD VISCOMETER Now it' s improved with a multi-speed electronic drive and ergonomically designed speed control knob Quickly select any one of 10 pre-set speeds ( 8 speeds on LVT models) ....
TRINOCULAR MICROSCOPE MODEL : XSZ-107E Trinocular Viewing Head: Trinocular Heaad for Photography Eyepiece: WF10X, P16X ( WF16X) Objective: Achromatic 4X, 10X, 40X ( S) , 100X ( S, Oil) Stage....