Our company is one of the biggest material supplier in Indonesia for Industry of shoe, sandal, belt. We have a lot of stock as follows : Insole board, shank board, out sole rubber and PVC sheet, ....
Carnauba, also called Brazil wax and palm wax, is a wax of the leaves of the palm Copernicia prunifera, It is known as " queen of waxes " and usually comes in the form of hard yellow-brown flakes. It....
PT. Samiraschem Indonesia, was incorporated on .... applications 2. CARNAUBA WAX Carnauba wax called Brazil wax and palm wax, is a wax of the leaves of the palm Copernicia prunifera ( Synonym: ....
Super Green Propolis 6ml/ botol green bee propolis Africanised from Brazil Prof. Shih Ming Chi, Taiwan propolis experts claim that green propolis produced by bees Africanised from Brazil, ....
PT. CAHAYATERANG PERDANA is a business entity based in Indonesia and service in many areas: VIP Service, business support, general trade, and technology as one as One stop lifestyle business. ....
OPTICAL LCD Panel 0.63" ( 1.6cm) P-Si TFT x 3 .... Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Thai, Portuguese ( Brazil) , Indonesian, Vietnamese Connectors Digital input 1 x HDMI ( HDCP compatible) ....
Introduce us from Computer CPUs , our company engaged in the field of IT and become a Master Dealer Computer Projector Hitachi and several other IT products , which are located in Harco Mangga Block....
Brazil 2014 World Cup which was held by FIFA ( Fà © dà © ration Internationale de Football Association) is organizing the 20th World Football match to determine who deserves to be Champion Football....
CV. DUTA MEDICA MEANS ready to supply & provides: { IEC KIT - BKKBN 2015 | IUD KIT - BKKBN 2015 | MEANS PLKB KIT - BKKBN 2015 | OBGYN BED - BKKBN 2015 | Implant REMOVAL KIT - BKKBN 2015 | GENRE KIT....
Amethyst ( Ring Titanium) Ring : 17 TITANIUM Size: 11 X 9 X 2, 5 mm Origin: BRAZIL Shape: OVAL FACET Color: Purple Treatment: None ( unheated) Contact : SMS/ whatsapp : 081210442351
hi my name Biyan ardha and I love gemstones. I sell gemstones and natural quality with reasonable price. All the gems here are guaranteed authentic. If you are interested with my collections you can....
Propolis is produced from bee saliva mixed with .... Bulgaria , Korean , and Russian are poplar populus sp . Brazil has bacharis dalbergia dracunculifolia and sp , respectively as a source of green....
After 5 years of continuous research, Ultimate Nutrition is proud to release Iso-Sensation 93 contain 100% IsoChill whey protein isolate. IsoChill is a functional whey protein isolate, processed by a....
Explosion protection to -CENELEC -IEC Can be .... 06 ATEX 6035X; IECEx CQM 07.0007; MC, AEX-8164-X ( Brazil) S-XPL/ 04547 ( South Africa) EN 60079-0: 2004; EN 60079-1: 2004; EN 60079-5: 1997; ....
We Suppayer parts industry needs, among others: 1. Explosionproof: TL lamps, Floodlight, Pendant, Explosionproof Panel, Panel Accessories Explosionproof, Explosionproof Motor, etc. 2. Sensor....
Brazil 150 Icumsa Colour: Max. 150 Icumsa Units Polarisation: Min. 99.7 Degrees Moisture: Max. 0.08% ( further information available upon request, prefer by e-mail to eldoma@
Mining, Consulting and General Trading Companies
The Sinar AP Moisture Analyzer offers the fastest .... Haircot Beans â € “ Red Kidney Beans â € ¢ Almonds â € “ Brazil Nuts â € “ Cashew Nuts â € “ Hazel Nuts â € “ Pecans â € “ Peanuts â € “ Walnuts â € ¢ Pimento â ....
Selling a wide range of Garmin GPS, Automatic Level, Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Satellite Phones with best prices and the official 1-year warranty, spare parts + service + Free postage as....
Sale Parabola Orange TV ( Live Football complete .... Spanish , Italian League , French League , League Brazil , mls cup , the FA cup championship trophy , Cup teams , championship power , ....
BAY51-Q x Series Explosion-proof Plastic .... 06 ATEX 6035X; IECEx CQM 07.0007; MC, AEX-8164-X ( Brazil) S-XPL/ 04547 ( South Africa) PCEC ( China) EN 60079-0: 2004; EN 60079-1: 2004; EN....
We sell a variety of lighting needs for a variety of industries. include: industry was Chemistry and Drug Administration, Food and Beverage Industry, Industrial Spare Parts, Mining Oil & Gas Industry....
Propolis adalah suatu zat yang dihasilkan oleh .... belakang diatas, PT MOMEN JAYA INDONESIA menyediakan Brazilian Propolis, yaitu MOMENT PROPOLIS â € “ Propolis yang diambil dari lebah Hutan Amazon....
Perusahaan ini didirikan dipenghujung akhir tahun 2012 dengan nama PT MOMEN JAYA INDONESIA, yang bergerak dibidang penyediaan produk suplemen dan kesehatan kelas dunia yang bermutu tinggi, dengan....
Neo propolis Exist Propolis is produced from bee .... Bulgaria, Korea, and Russia are poplar populus sp. Brazil has bacharis dalbergia dracunculifolia and sp, respectively as a source of green and....
Sell Wholesale & Retail Neo Propolis Exist Cheap Price Negotiabel ( additional discount rate) based on the addition product purchase. Have an official business license so that the products are....